Because the explosion can also hurt players, if the zombies are not near the bomb, it won’t blow up but it will disappear. To use it, you just throw it at a crowd of zombies and let it do it’s thing while you listen to it’s sweet jingle.

It is a splash potion named “Money Bomb”. MONKEY BOMB: Yes, the good old Monkey Bomb has returned! It can obtained from the Mystery Box and can only be used once. If you want to get back to the Lobby Room, press the button on the DIAMOND BLOCK once you’re ready. To get to it, press the button on the GOLD BLOCK in the Lobby Room. TUTORIAL ROOM: Whether you haven’t played any of my maps, are new to zombies, or just want to know how this map works, the tutorial room is the best place to get the basic rundown of how everything works.
Minecraft minigame lobby easter eggs how to#
There, you can: set how many players will play (from 1-4), check out the map credits, check out how to report bugs/feedback, turn on music while you wait for friends to join, teleport to the tutorial room, and load up the map so you can play by going into the “ready up” pod with the correct number of players. LOBBY ROOM: The Lobby Room is the first room you spawn in when joining/ opening the world and the central hub for the whole map. Again, this is just meant to improve the experience. Now, zombies can climb over the fence into that area from the outside, but players cannot. An example is how the area where power is used to only have 1 barrier. This doesn’t change the map layout or add new areas in any way it just allows for more action within the map. On a side note, I added some new ways for zombies to enter the map. It includes buyable areas, buyable wall weapons and equipment, a working and movable “Mystery Box”, a working power system, buyable perks, working electric traps, teleporters, Pack a Punch, Hellhounds, a “revive/respawn” system, a lobby spawn room to ready up before the start of a game, and a few small Easter Eggs similar to the ones from the original map! Play alone or with friends to combat the undead. This is a “recreation” of the classic COD zombies experience: Der Riese, the fourth zombies map ever in a Call of Duty. THIS IS JUST A PASSION PROJECT/SIDE PROJECT THAT I WANTED TO MAKE FROM THE GAME FRANCHISE THAT I LOVE SO MUCH (Call Of Duty) I IN NO WAY MAKE ANY MONEY/PROFIT FROM THIS PROJECT. This map along with another one has been highly requested by many of you so I hope it delivers. Remember Pack a Punch? Yep, that’s here too.

Remember those small Easter eggs from the original? Those are here. I tried my best to bring those features into Minecraft as well. This was the fourth zombies instalment of COD and it brought many new features that have been used to this day.