The dog's behavior is specific to the situation the player is in: If the player is hurt, the dog will stay closer, as well as in towns. Like the player character the dog's behaviour and appearance can be influenced via different factors, such as the the alignment and fame of the player. To complement that, the player will be assisted by a dog that can perform certain tasks in order to help the player get through the game. One of the most notable changes is the removal of the player's HUD. Dog Man's best friend finds its role in our Hero's adventures. Gameplayįable II innovates on many different points from the original Fable and adds lots of new features. Additionally, the player will have a dog companion throughout the game, who will adapt and change as the character grows, have a personality all its own, will not be directly controllable other than through simple commands, and will assist the player during combat. The various attacks and actions of the player will change depending on the location and situation in question, and the combat style will also change depending on whether or not the player is using a ranged or melee weapon. While being similar to this first game in most regards, combat has been changed specifically to simplify and streamline the gameplay, putting all melee specific combat entirely on the X button. The world of Albion is estimated to be roughly ten times as large as the first game, including many more available items, armor, and weapons for the player to collect, along with new tattoos and haircuts. Players can have families now, children, which will look up to the player as a moral and stylistic compass, or have protected (or unprotected) sex. The whole point of Fable II is to provide the player with a living, breathing world which changes dynamically as the character and events in the story occur, meaning that the player's actions will have a direct effect on the world, and the world will have an effect on the character. Unlike in the original Fable, the player can choose to be female this time around, and the character will further change based on many personality traits such as cruelty, kindness, faith, and corruption. Set in the land of Albion 500 years after the original game's story, the player once again begins the game as a hero whose development is governed entirely by his or her actions.